About me
Jennifer Moore is a passionate educator with over 15 years of experience in the classroom. She has taught as a K-5 classroom teacher and as a gifted teacher in several school districts in the St. Louis, Missouri area. Currently she serves as an Elementary Gifted Specialist in the Kirkwood School District. She dedicates her career to building strong relationships with students, staff, and families and works to support the needs of all learners, with an emphasis on exceptional learners. Jennifer is a graduate of Truman State University with a degree in psychology and a masters degree in elementary education. She also holds certification in early childhood education and gifted education, with expertise in meeting the needs of high achieving and gifted learners. She was awarded the Unsung Heroes award from MSTA in 2024. She is a speaker at NAGC, is the lead building mentor at her school, and also leads the Equations Club and Student Leadership Committee. When she isn't in the classroom, Jennifer enjoys spending time with her husband and four young children, reading, leading Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts, and dabbling in new crafting hobbies when she can! She is excited and eager to connect with fellow educators to explore new ideas that enhance the field of education.