innovate25 has ended
Tuesday February 25, 2025 3:30pm - 4:00pm CST
Learn: Explore how AI tools can enhance language instruction for multilingual learners by generating instructional resources aligned with the WIDA Standards Framework. Gain insights into effective AI-generated prompts that produce examples, practice items and mentor texts to support language development.

Engage: Participate in hands-on demonstrations of AI-powered strategies that scaffold assignments and assessments, ensuring alignment with students' English proficiency levels. Collaborate with peers to explore AI’s potential in differentiating instruction for multilingual learners.

Apply: Gain practical AI-driven techniques and ready-to-use strategies for integrating AI into your language instruction. Empower your students with customized learning experiences that foster language growth and engagement.


Rob Greenhaw

MELL Instructional Consultant, Education Plus
Rob serves EdPlus members by providing consultation to schools that are working to implement high-quality, comprehensive and collaborative educational programs for English Learners. Rob also conducts professional development workshops that focus on providing practical strategies to... Read More →
Tuesday February 25, 2025 3:30pm - 4:00pm CST
Salon 1 Marriott St. Louis Airport
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