Learn: Discover how to design, implement and teach students to create their own personal learning hubs. These hubs can focus on a single content area or serve as a tool across multiple subjects, empowering students to organize and manage their learning.
Engage: Actively explore the structure and benefits of a learning hub, with dedicated time to develop your own hub template. Collaborate with peers and experiment with different components to create a model tailored to your classroom needs.
Apply: Gain a completed or partially developed hub, along with the knowledge to guide students in building their own. Be equipped to implement this tool in your classroom, fostering student ownership and supporting independent, organized learning.
Learn: Explore collaborative strategies for designing highly engaging, educational experiences using breakout boxes. Discover the fundamentals of crafting immersive learning experiences that captivate and challenge students.
Engage: Participate in a hands-on breakout box activity. Share feedback and insights to understand the impact and potential of these interactive learning tools.
Apply: Gain the knowledge and confidence to create your own breakout box activities, whether independently or in collaboration with fellow educators, ready to implement innovative and engaging lessons in your classroom.